we have a problem when installing MSSQL 2000 on a MS Windows Advanced Server in Cluster
We have a node 1 and a node 2 correct configured
so thats not the problem.
what we did prior to install MSSQL
We did run " comclust " on node 1 ( dos box is open on node 1 ), then we go to node 2 and run " comclust ", we close the dos box on node 2, and then the dos box on node
then we entered the cd in de cd-rom drive from node 1
and we pushed setup.bat
then we configured and aswered all questions correctly.
Also the SQL login name has " domain admin rights "
then we get the message " installing blah blah ... this will take a few minutes "
then after a few minutes we get a message with an error " ERROR: 15457; SEVERITY 0; State 0. "
and installation stops.
I have searched the internet and a thousend message boards about this problem, but non where succesful.
They are saying that this is not an error message but an informational message ...
And that it can be fixed due running reconfigure command in the query annalyzer.
But we can't connect to the sql due no service installed !!
is there someone who can help with this problem.
I really cant see a sollution for this problem.
2003-10-07 15:50:05.13 server SQL server listening on TCP, Shared Memory, Named Pipes.
2003-10-07 15:50:05.13 server SQL server listening on,,,
2003-10-07 15:50:05.14 server SQL Server is ready for client connections
2003-10-07 15:50:05.16 spid5 Starting up database 'tempdb'.
2003-10-07 15:50:05.19 spid4 Warning ******************
2003-10-07 15:50:05.19 spid4 Attempting to change default collation to Latin1_General_CS_AS.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.50 spid4 Clustered index restored for master.sysdatabases.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.53 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for master.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.55 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for master.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.57 spid4 index restored for master.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.58 spid4 index restored for master.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.58 spid4 index restored for master.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.75 spid4 index restored for master.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.75 spid4 index restored for master.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.78 spid4 index restored for master.sysxlogins.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.85 spid4 index restored for master.sysdevices.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.86 spid4 index restored for master.sysservers.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.88 spid4 index restored for master.syslanguages.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.89 spid4 index restored for master.syscharsets.
2003-10-07 15:50:07.89 spid4 index restored for master.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:08.97 spid4 index restored for master.spt_values.
2003-10-07 15:50:08.97 spid4 index restored for master.spt_datatype_info_ext.
2003-10-07 15:50:08.97 spid4 index restored for master.MSreplication_options.
2003-10-07 15:50:08.99 spid4 index restored for master.spt_datatype_info.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.02 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for tempdb.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.02 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for tempdb.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.02 spid4 index restored for tempdb.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.02 spid4 index restored for tempdb.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.02 spid4 index restored for tempdb.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.03 spid4 index restored for tempdb.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.03 spid4 index restored for tempdb.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.03 spid4 index restored for tempdb.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.05 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for model.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.05 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for model.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.07 spid4 index restored for model.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.07 spid4 index restored for model.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.08 spid4 index restored for model.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.08 spid4 index restored for model.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.10 spid4 index restored for model.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.10 spid4 index restored for model.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.27 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for msdb.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.30 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for msdb.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.35 spid4 index restored for msdb.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.35 spid4 index restored for msdb.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.38 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.38 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.38 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.38 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.39 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysjobschedules.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.41 spid4 index restored for msdb.syscategories.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.41 spid4 index restored for msdb.systargetservers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.41 spid4 index restored for msdb.systargetservergroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.42 spid4 index restored for msdb.RTblDatabaseVersion.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.44 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysalerts.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.44 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysoperators.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.44 spid4 index restored for msdb.syscachedcredentials.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.47 spid4 index restored for msdb.logmarkhistory.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.53 spid4 index restored for msdb.RTblNamedObj.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.53 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysdtscategories.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.53 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysdbmaintplan_databases.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.53 spid4 index restored for msdb.mswebtasks.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.55 spid4 index restored for msdb.RTblProps.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.55 spid4 index restored for msdb.RTblRelshipProps.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.55 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysdownloadlist.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.57 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysjobs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.57 spid4 index restored for msdb.sysjobsteps.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.61 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for pubs.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.61 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for pubs.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.63 spid4 index restored for pubs.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.64 spid4 index restored for pubs.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.64 spid4 index restored for pubs.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.64 spid4 index restored for pubs.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.64 spid4 index restored for pubs.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.64 spid4 index restored for pubs.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.67 spid4 index restored for pubs.titleauthor.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.69 spid4 index restored for pubs.stores.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.69 spid4 index restored for pubs.sales.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.71 spid4 index restored for pubs.roysched.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.72 spid4 index restored for pubs.pub_info.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.75 spid4 index restored for pubs.employee.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.78 spid4 index restored for pubs.authors.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.78 spid4 index restored for pubs.publishers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.80 spid4 index restored for pubs.titles.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.85 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for Northwind.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.85 spid4 Non-clustered index restored for Northwind.sysobjects.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.88 spid4 index restored for Northwind.syscolumns.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.88 spid4 index restored for Northwind.systypes.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.88 spid4 index restored for Northwind.sysusers.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.88 spid4 index restored for Northwind.sysproperties.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.88 spid4 index restored for Northwind.sysfulltextcatalogs.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.89 spid4 index restored for Northwind.sysfilegroups.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.94 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Orders.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.94 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Products.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.96 spid4 index restored for Northwind.CustomerCustomerDemo.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.96 spid4 index restored for Northwind.CustomerDemographics.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.96 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Territories.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.96 spid4 index restored for Northwind.EmployeeTerritories.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.97 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Employees.
2003-10-07 15:50:09.97 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Categories.
2003-10-07 15:50:10.00 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Customers.
2003-10-07 15:50:10.02 spid4 index restored for Northwind.Suppliers.
2003-10-07 15:50:10.57 spid4 Default collation successfully changed.
2003-10-07 15:50:10.57 spid4 Recovery complete.
2003-10-07 15:50:10.57 spid4 Warning: override, autoexec procedures skipped.
2003-10-07 15:50:15.94 spid51 Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1
2003-10-07 15:50:15.94 spid51 Configuration option 'allow updates' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install..
2003-10-07 15:50:16.02 spid51 Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1
2003-10-07 15:50:16.02 spid51 Configuration option 'allow updates' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install..
2003-10-07 15:50:16.13 spid4 SQL Server is terminating due to 'stop' request from Service Control Manager.
Thanks in advance
Is it possible the install has completed and the service shutdown is part of that?
SG|||ok found the sollution , workaround
on technet : PSS ID 318672
hope this helps for other users|||This article was previously published under Q318672
BUG #: 236113 (SHILOH_BUGS)
A Microsoft SQL Server 2000 virtual server set up on multiple nodes may fail with this error message:
Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes
The Sqlstp.log file will also contain the following error messages.
NOTE: The Sqlstp.log file is located in the %WINDIR% folder of the node from which you run the Virtual Server Setup program.
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0xa4]
Thread [0xa4] exit code: [0x0]
CRemoteProcess::RunUntilComplete [0xa8] exit code: 2
Remote process exit code was '2' (NODE2).
CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete returned 2
CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete execution level=1, need execution: 0
One or more errors occurred while running the remote/unattended setups.
In the preceding error message, identify the remote node that has a remote process exit code of 2. In the preceding example, the remote node is NODE2. On the remote node, open the Sqlstpn.log file located in the %WINDIR% folder, and look for this error message:
13:50:08 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
13:50:20 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
13:50:20 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : -1
13:50:20 ShowDlgInstanceName: GetLastError returned: 50044
13:50:20 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName
13:50:20 End Action ShowDialogs
13:50:20 Action CleanUpInstall:
13:50:20 StatsGenerate returned: 2
13:50:20 StatsGenerate (0x0,0x1,0xf00000,0x200,1033,0,0x0,0x1000000a,0,0, 0
13:50:20 StatsGenerate -1,cluster)
13:50:20 Installation Failed.
NOTE: You may receive the error message
Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes
for causes other than the one described in this article. The only way to confirm if the error message is caused by the problem described in this article is to check the SQL Server setup logs and to compare the error footprint.
A race condition between the Setup program that is running on the first node (the node on which the Virtual Server set up is initiated) and the Setup programs that are running remotely on the other nodes.
The SQL Server 2000 Virtual Server set up involves a main set up process that starts one unattended installation for every node that is part of the virtual server. If the number of the unattended installations is two, or more, the race condition may occur.
Install a single node virtual server by running the Setup program on any node of the cluster. For more information, see the "How to install a one-node failover cluster (Setup)" topic in SQL Server 2000 Books Online.
Add the second node to the virtual server by running the Setup program again on the node you used in step 1. For more information, see the "How to add nodes to an existing virtual server (Setup)" topic in SQL Server 2000 Books Online.
Repeat step 2 for any number of nodes that you want to add to the virtual server.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
Additional query words: cluster install fails 50044
Keywords: kbbug KB318672
Technology: kbAudDeveloper kbSQLServ2000Search kbSQLServSearch
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