I am trying to do something simple to test TransactionOption. I have a ScriptTask (out of the box), which runs fine. To test TransactionOption, I set the Package Properties TransactionOption = Required. Straight away the package fails with the following message
Error: The SSIS Runtime has failed to start the distributed transaction due to error 0x8004D01B "The Transaction Manager is not available.". The DTC transaction failed to start. This could occur because the MSDTC Service is not running.
I am running this on my Laoptop, which has XP Pro with SP2.
I checked the services and MSDTC and it is running fine. I have checked the Event Viewer and saw the following messages... One is Information and the other is Error
Information (Disk - Event ID 2444)
MSDTC started with the following settings:
Security Configuration (OFF = 0 and ON = 1):
Network Administration of Transactions = 0,
Network Clients = 0,
Inbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = 1,
Outbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = 1,
Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = 0,
XA Transactions = 0
Error (Devices - Event ID 4437)
The account that the MS DTC service is running under is invalid. This can happen if the service account information has been changed using the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). MS DTC service will continue to start. Please make sure that the MS DTC service account information is updated using the Component Services Explorer.
I have checked Component Services. All looks fine from what I can see.
Anyone else came across this?
Try this: http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/archive/2005/11/02/2339.aspx
Thanks. I have read most of the blogs and tried all options suggested.
I dont have Windows Firewall Turned on. Its always off. I have got Norton on. I have disabled Norton and tried it as well. No luck.
|||have you tried the tools that I suggested at the bottom of the blog post?
No Jamie, I didn't try those tools, but I have downloaded them. Before that I uninstalled Norton from my laptop and restarted the machine, all worked fine. So in your case it was Windows Firewall, in my case Norton. What a pain, atleast I have identified the problem.
Thanks Jamie
|||Well that makes sense. Norton has a firewall as well doesn't it?
Have you tried opening up the DTC port (can't remember which one it is) on the firewall rather than just disabling it completely?
I disabled the Firewall within Norton and tried still didnt work, but didnt try the port. When I uninstall fully it worked. I think it is 185 ( I could be wrong), will try next week.
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